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5 Reasons Why You Should Run for a Sabbatical Officer Role.

Here are five top reasons why you should become a Sabbatical Officer!

officer blogvp welfare and equalities
Photo of Fatema Rabbi

Before I go to these points do you know what a Sabbatical Officer role is? If yes, great! If not, here's your answer: A student who serves as a representative and is elected by students at the Students’ Union is referred to as a Sabbatical Officer, or Sabb for short. The Education Act mandates that all universities employ a full-time Sabbatical officer. Any student is eligible to run for the job. To read more about the Sabbatical Officer role click here.

  • Over 25K Salary: Yes, It’s a full-time job that you get paid for! In this cost of living crisis, everyone needs money. So do you?


  • A million dollars worth of experience: When I was running for the Vice President of Welfare and Equalities role I asked Jannatul Ferdous (ex-Vice President of Welfare & Equalities) if it was worth it. She replied to me “It's a million dollars worth of experience”. Now looking back a year and a half later, I understood what she meant. I am not telling you to run for my role, run in any role that's within your interests. However, if you do plan to run, I would recommend reading this page about the current Officers and Roles. Now you may ask why it is a million-dollar experience job. I learned a lot from this job including organisational skills, stakeholder management, public speaking, facilitating training, project management, teamwork, and so much more. In addition to these skills I've also radically increased my sense of self and confidence in who I am and what I can do. To find out more about the students union, visit here.


  • Pushes you out of your comfort zone: When I am writing this it’s been 1 year 6 months 2 days (didn’t count the minutes) since I’ve been in this role. I know now how much I have developed personally. I always wanted to learn more about organisational culture and improve my public speaking. I used to be so scared to do public speaking, however, as a part of our Sabb induction, I did training on this. So how was I before?  My hands and legs used to tremble! But guess what now, I can speak to 1000 students easily at a time (I am not Joking!). 


  • You build your network: If elected, you will work with the amazing Student Union and LSBU teams. You will meet key stakeholders from LSBU. You will enjoy the gathering at the NUS Conference, where all student officers come from different UK universities. A great gathering to make friends and build your network. 


  • So much fun: Staff culture at South Bank Students’ Union is really important. Anyone would love to work here with such a lovely and supportive team. From doing serious work for students to teamwork and having fun, they will always be there for you. Also, can you believe that I never played bowling until I joined the South Bank Students Union! Another amazing reason why you should become a Sabb! The staff socials and culture here are so much fun, which allows us to try new fun things together!