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The SBSU Elections logo


South Bank Students’ Union is run by students for students. Every year, we have elections to determine which students lead the Students’ Union. As a member of the students’ union, you have the opportunity to stand and vote in these elections.

Spring Election Results 2024

For those of you who have been at LSBU for a little while, you might notice that some of the information and rules set out in the pack look and feel a little different from recent years. This is because over the past year, we have been busy evaluating the way we do elections and speaking to students and previous candidates about ways to make the process fairer and clearer for all participating. We took the feedback we were given and have made some specific changes to make sure that this has been addressed. All our rules are submitted to NUS who act as the regulator for our elections before we open nominations so they can provide assurance that they are fair and reasonable.

Thank you so much to everyone who voted and everyone who campaigned in these elections!

We are delighted to announce your newly elected Sabbatical Officer Team and your next Union Council - please join us in congratulating everyone who ran and the elected winners!

Your next Sabbatical Officer Team:

President - Charlotte Adams

Vice President Education - Shah Emdad

Vice President Welfare and Equality - Rahi Alam

Vice President Activities and Employability - Abdur Rahman Tanim

And your next Union Council:

Chair of Union Council and Students Governor - Areej Mansuri

Women’s Officer - Andreea Apostol

LGBTQ+ Students Officer - Kiara Gomez

International Student Officer - Ahanaf Alam

Postgraduate Students Officer - Hamza Mahmood

If you have any questions about any of these positions don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Deputy Returning Officer Matt at

Current Full-time officers

President: Devonte James 

Vice President of Education: Md Nayeem Sadman

Vice President of Welfare and Equalities: Fatema Rabbi

Vice President of Activities and Employability: Charlotte Adams


Current Part-time officers

Chair of Union Council and Student Governor: Abdirahim Ibrahim

Disabled Students Officer: Abdul Kadir Nahid

Women's Officer: Mst Muslima Khatun Fahmida

LGBT+ Officer: Jamie Jenner

International Students Officer: Abdur Rahman Tanim

Postgraduate Students Officer: Shahbaz Khan

Mature and Part-Time Students Officer: Abayomi Olawunmi

Full-time officers

Every spring, we run elections and you get to vote for your full-time sabbatical officers who work to make changes that improve your education and overall university experience. 


The President is the SU’s lead representative and Chair of the Trustee Board. Their job is to represent students, ensure the smooth running of the Trustee Board and get the best out of the other elected student leaders.

Vice President of Education 

The VP Education is the lead representative for academic issues. Their job is to support course reps to make sure students’ voices are heard on matters relating to education. They are also the Deputy President.

Vice President of Welfare and Equality

The VP Welfare & Equality is the lead representative for non-academic issues relating to welfare and equality. They work closely with liberation officers and student groups to ensure students’ voices are heard.

Vice President of Student Activities and Employability 

The VP Activities & Employability is responsible for ensuring students’ voices are heard relating to the recreational and developmental aspects of the student experience.

Part-time officers

These elected student leaders volunteer part-time alongside their studies to represent students’ views in their specific remits. These are separated into Liberation roles, Student Experience roles and Student Forum chairs.

Full job descriptions can be found in Regulation C of the Constitution.

Liberation Part-Time Officers

Women’s Officer 

Represents women and encourages the participation of women in the Union. Only students who self-identify as women are eligible to stand for election.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans (LGBT) Students’ Officer

Represents LGBTQ+ students and encourages the participation of LGBTQ+ students in the Union. Only students who self-identify as LGBTQ+ are eligible to stand for election.

Disabled Students Officer 

Represents disabled students and encourages the participation of disabled students in the Union. Only students who self-identify as disabled are eligible to stand for election.

Black and Asian Minority Ethnic Students’ Officer

Represents BAME students and encourages the participation of BAME students in the Union. Only students who self-identify as BAME are eligible to stand for election.

Student experience part-time officers

Mature and Part-time Students Officer 

Represents mature students and encourages the participation of mature & part-time students in the Union. Only students who are mature & part-time students are eligible to stand for election.

International Students’ Officer 

Represents international students and encourages the participation of international students in the Union. Only international students are eligible to stand for election.

Postgraduate Students’ Officer 

Represents postgraduate students and encourages the participation of postgraduate students in the Union. Only postgraduate students are eligible to stand for election.

Student Forum Chairs part-time officers

These are voluntary roles elected to chair specific voluntary student groups. Details of student forums can be found in Regulation G of the Constitution.

Chair of Union Council 

The Chair of Union Council volunteers alongside their studies to ensure the smooth running of the Union Council in accordance with the Constitution. Union Council is a group which meets to discuss and represent the views of students. Details of Union Council can be found in Regulation E of the Constitution. The Chair of Union Council does not have the power to vote at the Union Council.

Currently, this role also sits on the University’s Board of Governors; this is not part of the role in line with the Constitution but candidates should be aware that this is likely to be part of the role once again next academic year.

NUS Delegate

As an affiliated member of the National Union of Students (NUS), an organisation with over seven million members, London South Bank is entitled to send voting delegates to the National Conference. 

At the conference you will have the chance to join in the debate on the key issues facing students across the United Kingdom, as well as to vote for the student representatives who lead NUS. This is also a great opportunity to meet fellow students passionate about making a difference in the Higher Education sector, providing delegates with a key networking opportunity.

Student Trustee 

3 x Student Trustee - open for all students to stand in, representing all students on the Students' Union's Trustee Board for up to two yearsStudents are elected to sit on the students’ union Trustee Board. They lead and influence the direction of the Student Union.As a student trustee you will have roughly about seven meetings or activities a year. 

You can hold this position for as long as you are a student here at LSBU, to a maximum of two years. All you have to be is a current student at LSBU during the elections. So it doesn’t matter what year you are in, you can run to become a student trustee.

The trustee positions are key decision makers in the students’ union. They form part of the trustee board, which scrutinises how the organisation is run and makes key strategic decisions on the future of the students’ union. Not only that, they ensure that the students’ union follows the correct financial procedures.


You will have the opportunity to have your say on who will represent you. Voting is really simple. You can vote online (on this website). You can vote in preference order, so if your favourite candidate doesn't get enough votes, then your vote moves to your second choice. 

Make sure to vote so that you can make a great impact on your university experience. Read the candidate's manifesto in order to ensure you made the right choice.

Our elections are for London South Bank students only.

We use the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system.

If you have any complaints or queries about the elections, you can contact the South Bank SU team at