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Lunch and Learn!

Freshers 2023 Lunch and Learn!

officer blogvp activities and employability
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Lunch and learn is our SU’s take on the renowned TED talks but with an informal laid back vibe. Lunch and Learn is a chance for you to bring your lunch and chill, while a guest speaker is sharing their insider knowledge with you.

As the saying goes ‘you learn something new every day’ and that is what we really want to achieve. Knowledge is power init. 

We have a range of guest speakers that we will be bringing in, from entrepreneurs that set up their own business from the ground up. To major fashion goers who have worked in the industry giving you the lowdown on the hottest trends and flops. Or to your everyday faces you see in university, sharing their experiences and maybe some unexpected stories.

Our first Lunch and Learn is with your elected sabbatical officers, here's your chance to get to know them and their university experience, grill them on what they will be doing this year to make your university life better, and if they have any tips and tricks on how to take on university with ease.

If this is something that is right up your alley make sure you pop-by on your lunch break on the 28th of September. Click here to get your tickets! 

